Text: Psalm 139:17-18
When we consider the vastness of God, the fact of knowing God knows me (and you) is amazing to say the least.
Date: February 20th, 2022
Text: Psalm 139:17-18 When we consider the vastness of God, the fact of knowing God knows me (and you) is amazing to say the least.
Date: Sunday, February 13th
Text: Acts 8.30-31 We often use the account of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch to discuss the importance of baptism. However, it also serves up several important reminders about outreach. Consider the following reminders from Acts 8.30-31.
Date: February 6th, 2022
Text: Jeremiah 7.16 & 1 John 5.16 In the NT Christians are told to "pray for all people" (1 Tim 2.1-2). But what are we to make of passages in the OT & NT that forbid (or at least strongly discourage) prayer for certain people?
Series: Joshua - Be Bold & Courageous
Text: Joshua 24.29-33 Wrapping up our look at Joshua by putting a positive spin on the rather grim ending of the book. If you have slow internet connection, please use the audio-only player below: |
June 2023
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